Hi there!

My name is Yichuan Zhang(Eachone), and I am a student majored in Computer Science. This is my little corner on the web.

In this website we will provide you with some related work that I have been doing or done. Also I will be sharing some material centered around the Computing Science. If you are interested in this, please follow and stay in the loop!

The website is currently under-developing and is using the wordpress as the temple of the blog system. I will get my own blog system built in the future. Hopefully……….. yeah……..(I wish I had that time)

My Note

Get access to my blogs. And know how I am learning. Email me if you are confused

Genshin Start!

Want to have some fun? Just click the button!!! I am sure you will like it.

My everyday Life

I will also post some photos about my life in college and some progress I made.